VLC is a portable multimedia player, encoder, and streamer supporting many audio and video codecs and file formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It is able to stream over networks and to transcode multimedia files and save them into various formats.

Inputs and trace's reports

We collect 3 trace of VLC's allocation when doing:
  1. Start program => report input 1
  2. Play an MP3 (5.4mb - 4:10) => report input 2
  3. Play 5 minutes of an AVI video (697.7mb - 53:02) => report input 3
You can find all MallocLab's traces for VLC here.

Allocator's configurations

  1. BSA++ AS AVG 10 => BSA++ with AS, npa, average popularity threshold 10
  2. BSA++ AS AVG 30 => BSA++ with AS, npa, average popularity threshold 30
  3. BSA++ AS AVG 50 => BSA++ with AS, npa, average popularity threshold 50
  4. BSA++ AS AVG 70 => BSA++ with AS, npa, average popularity threshold 70
  5. BSA++ AS AVG 90 => BSA++ with AS, npa, average popularity threshold 90



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